npush: More Sokoban than Boulder Dash

The home page for npush compares the game to both Sokoban and Boulder Dash, but I really only see a resemblance to the former.

2014-10-16-2sjx281-npush-01 2014-10-16-2sjx281-npush-02

npush has no gravity element, which to me makes it more like csokoban than CAVEZ of PHEAR or mining-haze. Without the influence of gravity, npush becomes an arrangement puzzle, and not so much an action game.

npush does offer some unusual twists to the classic Sokoban play. You can undo your moves, which is always nice. And it injects a second character, meaning some puzzles will require you to switch between protagonists to escape the puzzle.

npush does a great job of allowing you to customize key controls, with an easy-to-use keypress menu. It also lets you jump to any level in its repertoire, and keeps a key of all its symbols on-screen, while you play.

npush does just about everything right, so I feel a little guilty for not being a puzzle game fan. If you don’t mind working through the arrangements and finding the patterns that unlock each level, you’ll probably enjoy this.

As for myself … I am on the lookout for something a little more to my liking. 😉

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