nsnake: In June, there shall be games

Looking over the post history of last month, I hadn’t mentioned too many games in the mix.

To amend that, here’s a quick and simple one: nsnake.


That’s probably almost exactly what you were expecting: a console rendition of the classic snake game — the one that Nokia fans of 15 years ago might remember.

This is a very simple game with little more than a few options for speed or walls, plus the four direction keys to consider.

So I won’t bore you about how it is a metaphor for modern culture, an obvious analog for the daily pursuits and entrapments we all suffer under the hands of our corporate-driven societies, circling endlessly within our cages, seeking small rewards and in return losing time against our own existence, ticking away the moments that make up a dull day. …

Nah, none of that. It’s fun. Give it a try. 😉

4 thoughts on “nsnake: In June, there shall be games

  1. Pingback: Links 2/6/2013: Arch Linux 2013.06.01, Slackpkg | Techrights

  2. Pingback: znake: Déjà vu, and yet not | Inconsolation

  3. Alexandre Dantas

    Hello, Mr. Secret-Internet-Personality! 🙂
    Thanks for playing my game, I feel so happy for providing a little fun.

    I loved your blog, terminal-based apps are so great, specially the
    games – the textual interface is cute and the fact that they’re
    lightweight makes them playable pretty much anywhere.
    My favorite are in boring ssh sessions.

    Also, high five, Arch bro!

    Why don’t you check out the newest nSnake version? It got updated
    to 2.0.0 with a lot of features, I think you’ll love it 😉

  4. Pingback: yetris: Get those thumbs ready | Inconsolation

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