ascii-invaders: Chaos at the console

All work and no play makes K.Mandla a dull person.

To that end, here’s ascii-invaders*, a game that’s likely to run on almost any terminal or console you can connect it to.


Left, right and space to fire. That was the good old days of arcade games.

ascii-invaders is not the only Space Invaders remake out there, but I will warn you: If you don’t manage the dimensions of your screen, you’ll end up battling an enormous horde of skeletal alien ships.

I can’t beat it at 1024×768, even if it is a little laggy from redraws. I keep trying though. 😉

*I linked to AUR because the source is actually pulled from; the original home page is gone, apparently.

3 thoughts on “ascii-invaders: Chaos at the console

  1. Gutterslob

    Good to see you blogging again, Mr. Mandla.
    Looking forward to more obscure curses stuff.

  2. Pingback: ninvaders: Combat in your console | Inconsolation

  3. Pingback: vadorz: A brief interlude to save the Earth | Inconsolation

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