qrq: How little I really know

I found qrq by way of a brute search through the Debian archives for anything text-related, and even though I haven’t a clue what to do with qrq, I’ll show it here out of fairness.

2014-12-11-6m47421-qrq-01 2014-12-11-6m47421-qrq-02

That’s only partly true — I do have a small idea what to do with qrq. The home page is very helpful, and the program itself has more than enough help just in its startup screen to keep me from shrugging with complete bewilderment. And I imagine if you’re learning or use Morse telegraphy at all, it will be very interesting.

It’s also worth highlighting that qrq involves some sound support. Very few console applications take the time to incorporate an audio element, unless they’re specifically intended for audio playback.

At this point I should mention that I have no training whatsoever with Morse code aside from learning about it in primary school. Or maybe tinkering with morse. So properly using qrq is well beyond my ability.

On the other hand, I do like the interface, even if it is pinned to 80×24. qrq has no flags that I could find, and the man page gives only a little more information than you’ll get from starting the program.

I noticed that qrq is in both Debian and Arch, and the Arch version will pull in alsa-oss when you install it. That might suggest that qrq is a little beyond the most recent developments in Linux audio, but I had no problems with qrq’s sound playback.

Other than the fact that I have no clue what those beeps and boops mean. :\

Between this and yfklog, I’m beginning to expect more from text-only applications intended for the amateur radio demographic. … 😐

3 thoughts on “qrq: How little I really know

  1. Ander GM

    Hello . I have a question. Is Xboard valid enough to review (as being lightweight and useful) or it’s “banned” due it is an X based application?
    You had “osmo” in the old K.Mandla blog 🙂

    xboard -ics -icshost freechess.org -icshelper timeseal
    This (being run on a terminal in order to type “getgame” to play a random game against a stranger) is fare more usable than GNUChess, at least.

    Have a nice day.

  2. Pingback: Links 12/12/2014: Linux++, KDE Frameworks 5.5.0, Calligra 2.8.7 | Techrights

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