mussort: A unique music utility

I think this will be the last double post for now. I think I have paid my dues against the long silence from a month ago. 😉

I also think I’m out of music players, which means I’ll round out “audio week” with a small utility you may or may not know: mussort.


As you might have guessed from the name, this sorts music files, moving them into folders according to the artist and album information in their tags.

This will either strike you as perfect genius, or leave you in a dull state of indifference. I am confident that will depend almost entirely on your view of music players and what they ought to do.

If you don’t mind music managers — qq.v. cmus, banshee, etc. — then this probably won’t dazzle you.

But if you prefer to manage the files themselves and arrange them in a suitable fashion … well, this is the best thing since sliced bread.

I don’t see this in either Arch or Debian, which suggests it might have slipped under the radar for both distros. Shame. No matter; consider it a sort of sidelong present on the eight-month anniversary of this site.

Cheers. :mrgreen:

7 thoughts on “mussort: A unique music utility

    1. K.Mandla Post author

      Looks good. You might want to include git in there; sometimes people don’t keep git installed all the time. Cheers!

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