cdcd: With a name like that …

With a name like that, it’s hard not to know what this does.


cdcd manages the same feat that adcd, jac and (a player to be named at a later date 😉 ) do.

And much like jac, it keeps a captive console as a command-driven interface to audio playback.

Ask for help and you get a list of possible commands directed at your CD player. Say quit and it quits. Simple enough.

For setup purposes, Arch users will want to use /dev/sr0 as their CD device. Others … I’m not sure. Tinker with it and see what happens.

And finally, not to beat a dead horse, but I have to say again … it’s hard for me to find a pressed CD these days.

So maybe cdcd and adcd and jac and (insert name here) will need less attention in coming years.

1 thought on “cdcd: With a name like that …

  1. Pingback: dcd: I’ll give you three guesses … | Inconsolation

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