aoeui: And sometimes … why?

aoeui and asdfg are twins, in a matter of speaking. I’ll show you the one, and you can imagine the other.


In terms of lightweight text editors, aoeui does a lot of things right — keeps its help pages right up front, doesn’t carry much in the way of baggage, and does exactly what it claims to.

It’s not the lightest in the box (that one we will discuss later), but it does carry enough features to make it a contender on its own.

But aside from that I don’t have much to tell about aoeui or asdfg. One is slanted toward Dvorak keyboards, and the latter toward traditional qwerty layouts.

Which might beg the question, why bother with it?

Well, if you take a look at the manifesto, it does make a few points that are worth noting.

You can review it and see if there’s anything there that strikes a chord for you.

For me it was the “A command that I can’t instantly remember might as well not exist” line. Yes, I’m looking at you, vim and emacs. … 😦

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