wavemon: A proper wireless tool

I tried two or three times to come up with a righteous first post, something with panache to start things off with a bang.

As luck would have it though, the cat was let out of the bag early, and so I might as well march straight into the good stuff.

And so here it is: some very good stuff, which goes by the name of wavemon.


I lack all the technical requisites to understand (and probably fully appreciate) wavemon, but I’m big on anything that uses console space efficiently and in fun ways.


(Please disregard the inverse question marks; my font doesn’t carry those glyphs.)

With three different display windows — a connection information window, a level histogram and a scan of area networks — this does a lot of the heavy lifting that most people expect from a graphical application.

You might think it odd (as I did at first) that it lacks that one extra step: connecting to the networks it lists. But it does bill itself as a monitor, not a connection tool.

For that we can use … well, let’s save that for another post. ๐Ÿ˜‰

15 thoughts on “wavemon: A proper wireless tool

  1. Apo

    That’s what i call great news for the new year. Finally there is hope for computer enthusiasts again. ๐Ÿ™‚ Welcome back!

  2. koleoptero

    No matter with what article you might have started or how awesome the app you show might be, the breaking news is and would have been that you’re back ๐Ÿ™‚ Hooray!

  3. Calabane

    I agree with the previous posters, this is some great news to start off the New Year with. Welcome back and know that I still refer to your previous blog for many things having to do with console life.

  4. fuxter

    what a beaut i have here for the first post. really glad to have you back in any digital form.

    greetz from russian k.mandla fanclub =]

  5. รngel Alonso Fonseca

    Great, great news to have you back at work ๐Ÿ˜‰

    The wiki is alright, but still lacks… e-human warmness

    PS 1: Regarding hardware that benefits from lightweight linux, you can add low end tablets with software like this: http://sven-ola.dyndns.org/repo/debian-kit-en.html (I myself have been using it for work since a couple months already and anything outside the CLI does not make sense at all)

    PS 2: Expected news but still:

    1. K.Mandla Post author

      Thanks. I saw the news about the 386-class dropping from the kernel, but to be honest, it didn’t break my heart. I haven’t even seen a true 386 in a decade. If anyone is still actually using one and needs a new kernel for it, I’d be surprised.

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