peerflix: Straight to video

I don’t recall where I got the link for peerflix, but I daresay if I had a better (better meaning faster and more reliable) Internet connection, it would be a fun toy.


The other half of what peerflix does isn’t really visible there; out-of-frame, peerflix spawned a media player, and the video file that’s downloading (I am not familiar with the title; it was the example from the home page) is already playing.

It’s a clever shortcut from the “traditional” download-then-watch model that we all know.

Whether or not you adopt it depends on your connection (as in my case) or if you find yourself needing to decide-download-and-watch in the space of minutes. Your sense of urgency, in other words. 😉

peerflix supports several different media players, but seems partial to vlc. I have no problem with that, and it’s just as easy to select mplayer as any of the others.

On top of that, peerflix has a number of options you might ordinarily associate with torrent clients. Pay close attention; there are a few there that might come in handy for subtitles or other support files.

I’m going to give peerflix a thumbs-up, mostly for being an unusual tool that seems to do the job well. And it has color. Can’t forget that. 😉

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