pyradio: Now that’s different

So long as I have free time, I’m going to continue to double up on posts, and hopefully make up my debt against the gaps earlier this month. 😳

So here’s something new: pyradio.


An internet radio application with mplayer as the backend? Now that’s different.

Customizable stations in a .csv format list? Now that’s different.

Basic playback controls with easy start-stop, volume, and mute buttons — and even one-key random station jump? Now that’s different.

Different is good. I like different. And look! Colors! 😉

P.S.: This uses mplayer as a backend, so you might incur some dependencies on a nongraphical system.

P.P.S., for Arch users: The current AUR version for pyradio-git will need python-setuptools_git before it will build.

1 thought on “pyradio: Now that’s different

  1. Pingback: Links 27/7/2013: More Android/Linux, Also Coming to TVs Now | Techrights

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