znake: Déjà vu, and yet not

I said there would be more games in June, but I didn’t mean they would all be the same style of game. Just bear with me.

I pointed out nsnake a couple of days ago, and here’s another “clone” of the same vein: znake.


znake is fun for me for two reasons: First, because it reaches out and encompasses the entire available screen space.

nsnake, by contrast, carved out a set area and threw the player into there.

The second reason is Soviet Russia mode, which reverses the rules and makes it more of a survival game: Touch a dot and lose a segment.

Lose too many and the game ends.

It’s an interesting twist, and comes with a little bit of humor as well.

So when you feel like stepping up from a traditional version, znake will entertain. 🙂

1 thought on “znake: Déjà vu, and yet not

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