googlecl: Cutting corners with everything Google

My office uses Google Documents for almost everything it does. We all have GMail addresses and even our primary site is managed through Google, although the intricacies escape me.

I concede that it does streamline some things, but only because I have to. I’m still no fan of the cloud, and I never have been, and probably never will be.

Having said all that, I can see where googlecl would be very, very useful in our office for bulk management of e-mail lists or contact information. Just as a very brief example:

2014-09-06-6m47421-googlecl-01 2014-09-06-6m47421-googlecl-02

That’s the same example that appears on the home page, so I suppose pixellating much of those images was unnecessary. All the same, I think you should get the point. With something as simple as google contacts add and a little data, I get a corresponding addition to my online Contacts list.

Which is what you would probably expect. And it likewise goes without saying that googlecl can handle not only GMail Contacts, but also Blogger posts, YouTube uploads, Calendar events, additions and edits to Documents, and just about every other aspect of your collective Goo-perience, from the command line.

I can’t go into too much detail on invididual commands and configuration, mostly because each Google aspect has its own rasher of options and specifics. If you’re genuinely interested — and again, for my daily workload I already see a few places this can be useful — you’ll need to look closely on your own.

Probably the one thing I like best about googlecl is what you see in the terminal screenshot above: Rather than require a configuration file setup, googlecl simply links you to the API authentication page, and prompts you for the passcode. It does save a step, and gets you moving a little faster with the entire Goo-perience.

And I tip my hat to that. I never have and never will concede my own private and personal information to The Almighty Cloud, and have serious worries on behalf of anyone who does. But I’m taking this to work on Monday, and seeing if it will help cut a few corners. 😐